If you’ve come to discover that your company requires more than an attractive catchphrase for your staff to remain motivated and for your customer-base to become inspired enough to seek out your product or service, then you are not alone. More and more frequently, CEOs are realizing that “purpose” overshadows revenue when it comes to building and maintaining a relevant and successful business. In fact, without a thorough and pertinent mission, the latter will often suffer.



The key, however, is to build a purpose for your company that tunnels beyond the one-dimensional or superficial; a set of sound principals that carry authenticity and influence. How, then, do CEOs create such a culture of depth and relevance that will transcend beyond the boardroom and into the masses?

Ross Kelly, London-based business journalist and former staff correspondent/editor at “The Wall Street Journal” and “Yahoo Finance”, offers some valuable advice to CEOs looking to upgrade their company’s overall purpose, and ultimately, their significance within their particular market and industry.

1.  Establish Presence. Is the objective (or purpose) of the organization recognizable and simple enough to explain to others?

2.  Build Strength. Is your company’s purpose relevant to current societal needs while also generating inspiration?

3.  Maintain Alignment. Is the company’s history, products/services, and actions of its leaders consistent and congruent with the purpose you have identified?

4.  Facilitate Integration. Do your company’s business decisions, dealings, and communications remain congruent with the basic principals upon that which your company is fostered?

5.  Generate Advocacy. Is the purpose of your organization effective enough to bring forth genuine loyalty from both employees and customers?

Kelly asserts that “CEOs should be prepared to spend time communicating with staff and customers, perhaps through surveys or even one-one-one interviews, to establish what it is that makes their company tick”.



Moreover, while your company’s intent must be sincere and legitimate, it is crucial that organizations are capable of getting the word out through well-organized meetings and effectual marketing strategies.

More from Stewart Cooper & Coon:  Valuable Career Advice from Influential Executives


Fred Coon, CEO 

Stewart, Cooper & Coon, has helped thousands of decision makers and senior executives move up in their careers and achieve significantly improved financial packages within short time frames. Contact Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200